The Power of Triumphant Faith

We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle. For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned without the camp. Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate(Heb 13:10-12).

To serve the tabernacle in reference to the above scripture means for an individual to be controlled by the flesh. Such people will not be able to receive any insightful revelation from God concerning any situation. This means it is only people that do not serve their “tabernacle” that will receive knowledge or information from God because they are men that are not ruled by their flesh but by the spirit of God. In  Philippines 3:18-19 ,the bible says “for many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things”. This means that a lot of people do whatever they do because of what they can gain materially and not what they can learn to advance their lives.

That is why you need to be careful with the type of relationship you get into. You should be aware of people in your midst  that look like they have some measure of commitment towards you on the outside but deep down they have no real commitment towards God or even towards you. Once such people get to a point where it is no longer convenient for them to keep up this trait, they leave. This is because they are only there in the first place for what they can gain which most times is temporal.

Depending on God totally for whatever you need is the only way that you will never get disappointed by the actions of any man and the blessings you receive from God are eternal. Whatever you receive from man is for a period of time but whatever God gives you is eternal and filled with His peace. Therefore learn to make God your sole provider in all that you do and do not depend on flesh.

After surrendering all to God, the next step is to create an altar for him in your life. The altar in the scripture above signifies where you receive manna which is the rhema of God. This means you must create an altar in your life for God where you can always go to hear and receive from Him. This is a place where you receive information or the direct word of God gains entrance into your heart concerning a particular situation until it produces result on the outside.  Rhema or the spoken word of God brings about results that are beyond any man’s calculation. When the rhema of God comes out strange things begin to happen in your life because of it. These happenings are beyond anything that you can logically comprehend and when God will make it happen it is usually through the hands of the weakest of men. This is because God does not want any man to take or touch the glory of what He has made manifest.

Therefore, do not make any man your altar by serving the flesh because of what you believe he can give to you. Instead make God your source and create an altar for Him within your heart, where you are sure to always receive seasoned word of knowledge to overcome any situation you encounter in life.

Psalms 100:1-5; John 4:23
